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3-12-07 Jasper Co. Port PC

3-14-07 Girl Scout Pages

3-16-07 Open Door

3-21-07 NFIB (Health Ins.) PC

3-22-07 Coastal Insurance PC

3-22-07 Uganda Mayor

3-26-07 Land Use Conference

3-27-07 Argentine Ambassador

3-27-07 DaimlerChrysler Event

3-29-07 Mother of the Year

3-7-07 Cabinet Meeting

3-7-07 Humanities Council

3-7-07 Student Shadow

3-9-07 DOT Reform PC

4-10-07 BMW President

4-10-07 Cabinet Meeting

4-11-07 Donate Life Month Proclamation

4-11-07 Governor's Prayer Breakfast

4-16-07 Citizenship Awards

4-16-07 Service Awards

4-17-07 SC Federation of Republican Women

4-17-07 Tax Relief PC

4-20-07 Volunteer Awards

4-23-07 Spending Clock PC

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History and Heritage for all Generations