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1-10-07 Inaugural BBQ

1-10-07 Inaugural Ceremony

1-10-07 Inaugural Luncheon

1-10-07 Inaugural Prayer Service

1-17-07 Press Conference

1-17-07 Senator Bryant & Ward Keeney

1-17-07 State of the State Address

1-22-07 Open Door

1-23-07 Press Conference

1-24-07 Youth Corps

1-3-07 Budget Unveiling

1-31-07 Gov. w Mark Hammon

1-31-07 Senate Chambers Retirement Party

1-31-07 Shriners Proclamtion

1-4-07 45th Cabinet Meeting

1-6-07 National Guard Deployment Ceremony

10-10-07 State Fire Chiefs Executive Committee

10-18-07 Healthy SC Video Contest

10-22-07 Birds of Prey Center Opening

10-23-07 Budget Hearing on Education

10-23-07 Jim Shultz, Sculptor

10-23-07 Order of Palmetto, Justice E.C. Burnett

10-29-07 Open Door

10-29-07 Roger Staubach Meeting with Governor

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