Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Civilian Conservation Corps files (photographs), ca. 1934-1942
Entrance road, circle, and parking area (White area), view of parking area from circle (710) (Job 25).
Entrance road, circle, and parking areas (White area), view showing fill it took to build parking area at circle as shown on picture No. 25 (710) (Job 25).
Entrance road, circle, and parking areas (White area), clearing for large parking area at picnic and bathhouse areas (710) (Job 25).
Excavation, channel, canal, ditch (earth) (White area), observation point; erosion ditch being filled under this job (404) (Job 26).
Excavation, channel, canal, ditch (earth) (White area), observation point; looking west up lake basin from observation point; clearing shows lake shoreline (404) (Job 26).
Excavation, channel, canal, ditch (earth) (White area), observation point; looking east down lake basin from observation point; clearing shows shoreline (404) (Job 26).
Excavation, channel, canal, ditch (earth) (White area), observation point; one yard gas shovel (Lima #101) being used on this job (404) (Job 26).