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Finding aid to Lieutenant Governor Robert Peeler's constituent correspondence, 1999-2002

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Lieutenant Governor


This series consists of a database used to log and track the progress of constituent correspondence received by the Lieutenant Governor Robert Peeler from 1999 until 2002. There are inconsistencies in the information due to the nature of the database and the original entry of information. The Lieutenant Governor's office began a concurrent numbered file in August 1998, although the database's earliest entry is October 1999. The database contains records for approximately 2,279 pieces of correspondence. Note that it only contains references for roughly a third of the total correspondence received by Peeler from 1994-2002 (see Associated Material field). It was originally created in FileMaker Pro 5 (.fp5), but was converted to Microsoft Access 97 (.mdb) upon delivery to repository and reconverted to Microsoft Access 2000 (.mdb) in 2007. The file was further migrated to Microsoft Access 2007 in 2015. Since the database only contained a single table, it was exported into comma-separated value (.csv), Open Document Spreadsheet, (.ods), and eXtensible Markup Language (.xml) formats for access and preservation.

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