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Electronic log of Governor Mark Sanford's constituent correspondence, 2003-2011

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Governor Mark C. Sanford


This series consists of a database used to log and track the progress of constituent correspondence received by the Governor's Office. The original database was received in FileMaker Pro 7 format and was converted to Microsoft Access 2007 for access to the public. A table of conversion errors from this process, mostly truncated fields, is located in the folders containing the exported versions of the database. The database contains one large table with over 300,000 entries. This table was then exported into comma separated value (.csv), Open Document Spreadsheet (.ods), and eXtensible Markup Language (XML) files. Due to the size of the table and Access 2007's limitations on the number of records that can be exported at time, the exported .csv and .ods files are divided into seven parts. The database lists correspondence in numerical order by the number assign to each item when it was received by the Constituent Services Division. Database fields include, but are not limited to: the constituent's name, the staff member assigned to the query, a summary of the query, whether the query is in support or opposition to specific legislation, and comments on the response from the Constituent Services Division.

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