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4-26-10 Governor’s Volunteer Awards

4-29-10 Building Safety Month Proclamation

4-29-10 Governor's Awards for Excellence in Science

4-29-10 Jobs for America’s Graduates Conference

4-6-10 Materials Innovation Technology Grand Opening

4-8-10 Mother of the Year

4-8-10 Unifirst Grand Opening

4-8-10 William Knopf (The Barefoot Coach)

5-11-10 Cigarette Tax Increase Veto PC

5-12-10 Decision on Legel Fees PC

5-14-10 First Quality Groundbreaking Anderson, SC

5-18-10 QuickJobs Grand Opening - Camden,SC

5-19-10 Adidas Expansion Grand Opening, Spartanburg, SC

5-20-10 E-Waste Recycling Bill Signing

5-24-10 Hurricane Roundtable Discussion

5-24-10 Mental Health Month Proclamation

5-24-10 National Emergency Medical Week Proclamation

5-24-10 Open Door

5-25-10 Adoption-Foster Care Bill Signing

5-26-10 Joey Peeples Farewell Party

5-3-10 Boeing Demonstration - Charleston

5-3-10 ESC - Media Availability

5-4-10 Cabinet Meeting

5-7-10 Vietnam Veterans Survivors and Remembrance Day

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