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11-10-10 Cabinet Meeting

11-10-10 Student Shadowing Governor

11-22-10 Hospice Month Proclamation

11-22-10 Open Door

11-28-10 Carolighting

11-29-10 Republican Governors Association Meeting

12-1-10 MTU Detroit Diesel - Graniteville, SC

12-1-10 Order of Palmetto - Sheriff Jason Booth

12-12-10 Christmas Party - Press

12-13-10 Gov. Presents Joe Taylor with JWOW Shirt

12-13-10 Order of Palmetto - Jack Ellenburg

12-14-10 B&CB Meeting

12-14-10 Order of Palmetto

12-15-10 Xmas Party

12-2-10 Governor's Protection Detail

12-2-10 Leigh LeMoine Farewell Party

12-2-10 Open House - Mansion

12-2-10 Toys for Tots

12-2-10 Unknown Group

12-23-10 Empty Governor's Office

12-3-10 Bosch Economic Annoucement - Summerville, SC

12-30-10 Final Lunch at Mansion

12-7-10 Last Cabinet Meeting

12-8-10 Electric Vehicle Plug-in Network

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