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British and Private Records Available in SCERA

Here you can find a list of links to all British and privately-donated records currently available in SCERA. The list is divided into British and private records, then arranged by alphabetically by series, and by the records in that series which are currently available. Please check this list regularly, as new records are being added on a regular basis.

British Records

Great Britain. Army.

Transcription of the Book of Negroes, 1783

Private Records

Campbell Family

Campbell family papers, 1860-1886

Lake Murray Dam construction photographs

Lake Murray Dam construction photographs, ca. 1927-1930

South Carolina Association of Auditors and Treasurers

Photograph (2nd Annual Meeting), 1922

United States. –War Department

Federal land grants for South Carolina War of 1812 militia service, 1860

Whitehead, Ruth Holmes

Searchable CD-ROM transcription of runaway slave advertisements in Charleston newspapers, 1766-1782

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